Admissions are now open for the Postgraduate Certificate, the Postgraduate Diploma, and the Master of Science in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, which are run in Oxford and are supported by the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID). The courses bring leaders in the field from around the world to teach a comprehensive syllabus to inspire and educate a new generation of paediatricians, and ultimately improve Child Health.

Postgraduate Certificate in PID

The Postgraduate Certificate is a one-year, part-time course taught primarily online providing you with an in-depth understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of paediatric infection. The course will appeal to doctors who have experience in paediatrics, including trainees in paediatrics who have an interest in specialist knowledge in the field of paediatric infectious diseases, for example those training for the RCPCH paediatric infectious diseases special interest (SPIN) module. It is also suitable for GPs with an interest in paediatric infectious diseases.

Postgraduate Diploma in PID

The Postgraduate Diploma is a two-year, part-time course taught primarily online, providing you with an in-depth understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of paediatric infection. It also places the practice of paediatric infectious diseases in the broader context of applied sciences, such as pathogenesis, population biology and epidemiology. The course will appeal to doctors who have experience in paediatrics, including trainees in paediatrics who have a specialist qualification equivalent to the Membership Examination of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH), specialist trainees in paediatric infectious diseases or relevant medical subspecialties, and clinical research fellows. It will provide in-depth knowledge and is aimed at those working in specialist PID centres.

Master of Science in PID

The MSc in Paediatric Infectious Diseases can be taken part-time over one year as an extension to the Postgraduate Diploma in Paediatric Infectious Diseases. It is for those who wish to broaden their knowledge about paediatric infection and develop research skills in the subspecialty. The MSc is intended to assess your capacity to formulate research questions, and select, design and manage a research project. You will complete a research project of between eight and fourteen weeks and write a dissertation. The research can be carried out in Oxford or locally, making the programme suitable for overseas as well as UK residents.

You can find more information at Study – Department of Paediatrics (

The next admission deadline is Tuesday 3 December 2024.